Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
High Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

The annual western bean cutworm peak flight is ongoing across portions of the corn-growing region. High risks remain in place from Iowa into southeast Minnesota and Wisconsin but trap counts across this area are decreasing which indicates peak flight is subsiding. Further east, peak flight is in full swing across portions of Michigan, far northeast Indiana, northern Ohio, northwest Pennsylvania and New York, and also into Ontario, Canada. There are some reports, however, that trap counts are starting to decrease in western Michigan but moths are still being caught. Moderate risks extend from eastern Nebraska and far southeast South Dakota into Minnesota, Iowa, northern Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, northern Indiana and Ohio, and also into northwest Pennsylvania and New York. Ontario, Canada also has Moderate risks where high risks are not in place for the next five days. Look for a continued decrease in risk levels and coverage areas across the central and western corn-growing region in the next week but even in these areas and also further east where peak flight is ongoing, growers are urged to monitor their crops for new larvae where crops are at a susceptible stage to damage.