Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
High Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Fields in the eastern Great Lakes region should continue to experience western bean cutworm peak flight. High flight risks remain across Wisconsin for the next couple days but fields in this state are downgraded to a Moderate risk by the end of the week as trap counts and field reports indicate that moth activity has decreased markedly in this area in the last week or two. The main focus, and also where High risks remain, is from southeast lower Michigan and northern Ohio northeast along Lake Huron, Erie, and Ontario. Counts across Ontario, Canada continue to increase in many areas and portions of southwest Quebec, Canada are also showing signs of higher numbers at this time. High and Moderate risks are being reduced in portions of lower Michigan and Ohio as trap counts are either showing signs of decrease or fields are moving past susceptible stages where damage could occur. Growers in High and Moderate risk areas should monitor their fields closely for signs of moth activity in addition to egg laying and new larvae appearances in the coming weeks.