Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
High Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Western bean cutworms continue to pose a threat to crops especially across the eastern Great Lakes region and into Ontario/Quebec, Canada. Trap counts continue to either stay steady or rise especially from northern Ohio northeast into Ontario and Quebec, Canada while counts are falling further west from lower Michigan into field sites west of Lake Michigan. High risks remain in the forecast especially from Ohio and southeast lower Michigan into northwest Pennsylvania and New York into Ontario and southwest Quebec, Canada in the next five days. Portions of Wisconsin remain in the High risk area for another day but with counts decreasing and heat unit accumulations continuing to increase in this area, only Moderate risks are predicted by the end of the week. Moderate risks also remain across much of the Great Lakes region and into Ontario and southwest Quebec, Canada. Egg deposition has been reported in portions of the Great Lakes so growers should monitor their fields closely for any signs of western bean cutworms in the next couple weeks.