Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
High Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Western bean cutworm emergence and flight pressure continues to increase across specific areas of the corn-growing region. The highest concern at the present time is in the Plains states where a High and Moderate risk is in place across much of southern Nebraska and northern Kansas where moth trap counts are increasing and where peak flight is beginning. Low risks extend across much of Nebraska and also into Iowa and Missouri by early next week. Another region of growing concern is across sandier soils of the western and southern Great Lakes region. Fresh market and commercial corn in these areas is either in or nearing critical stage, or silking and tasseling, and western bean cutworm moths are now being reported across at least Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio. Moderate risks are in place across northern Indiana, northwest Ohio, and extreme southern Michigan with Low risks from Wisconsin east into southwest Ontario, Canada. Growers in this area should monitor their fields and traps and take appropriate action if needed in the coming week or two.