Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
High Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Western bean cutworm activity is on the increase across specific areas of the corn-growing region. High risks continue across northern Kansas and southern Nebraska where peak flight is ongoing. The High risk area does advance further east into eastern and southeastern Nebraska, northeast Kansas, and also far southwest Iowa by early next week as heat units support a higher likelihood of peak flight occurring into this region as well. Moderate risks surround the High risk region into much of the remainder of Nebraska, the western half of Iowa, northwest Missouri, and northern Kansas. Additional Moderate risk regions are found in the southern half of Wisconsin and also into southern Michigan, northern Indiana, northern Ohio, and southwest Ontario, Canada where moth captures are now occurring and where counts are likely to increase. Growers with crops at susceptible stages to damage especially in the Moderate and High risk regions should monitor their crops closely for signs of moth pressure and also for potential egg laying in the next week.