Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

The annual western bean cutworm moth flight is beginning to subside in many areas of the corn-growing region with greatest moth captures and increases now being confined primarily to the upper Midwest east into southern Ontario, Canada. As a result, the greatest threat regions from this particular insect are now shifting north with Moderate risks still remaining in Nebraska and western Iowa but counts are beginning to decrease so risks will likely be reduced or shifted north next week. Additional Moderate risks remain across Wisconsin but the risk has been lowered in the southern portion of the state as counts are decreasing and heat unit accumulations are past peak emergence thresholds. Only northern Indiana and Ohio now have Moderate risks with greatest concern for this insect now in portions of lower Michigan and especially southern Ontario, Canada. Growers located especially within the Moderate risk areas should monitor susceptible fields for signs of western bean cutworm moths and egg masses and take appropriate action where it is needed. The greatest risk, however, now lies across the Great Lakes region and into Ontario, Canada.