Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

The annual western bean cutworm flight continues in some regions but is starting to decrease especially in central and southern fields. Moderate risks continue across portions of northeast Nebraska into western Iowa as well as primarily central and northern Wisconsin, lower Michigan, and southern Ontario, Canada. Moth captures have also recently increased as far northeast as southwest Quebec, Canada, so Moderate risks are in place there as well. Low risks remain in place from Nebraska and South Dakota east into Minnesota, Iowa, northern Illinois, Wisconsin, far northern Indiana, northwestern Pennsylvania, northwest and upstate New York, lower Michigan, and into southern Ontario and southwest Quebec, Canada. The Moderate risk areas to the west of Lake Michigan do decline in spatial coverage as the week progresses with increases in coverage now primarily focused into Canada. Growers with fields at susceptible stages to damage should continue to monitor for not only moths but also egg masses regardless if moths are caught. Egg masses can appear even when no moths are captured in a trap.