Western Bean Cutworm
Western bean cutworm flights continue across portions of the corn-growing region. Peak flight activity is predicted to persist across portions of southwestern Nebraska this week where a High risk remains in the forecast, although moth captures and activity should begin to subside within the next 7-10 days across this area. Moderate risks continue across much of Nebraska, far northeast Colorado and extreme northern Kansas, and also into sandier soils in western Iowa this week. Other Moderate risk regions are found across sandier soils in northern Indiana, northern Ohio, and central/southern lower Michigan as well as southwest Ontario, Canada where moth captures are now increasing and where peak flight should be occurring in the next week or two from southwest to northeast. Problems in these areas, however, should be more scattered as evidenced by widely varying trap captures and field pressure reports coming from this part of the corn-growing region. Low risks extend from northeast Colorado east into southern Ontario and southwest Quebec, Canada as well as across the lakes into New York state. Some western bean cutworms may also be found into South Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin but pressure in these areas should be less as flights are not as intense. Growers located especially within the Moderate and High risk areas should continue to actively monitor traps and also look on leaves for egg masses where moth pressure is higher, and be prepared to make treatment decisions where pressure is warranted in the week ahead.