Western Bean Cutworm
Western bean cutworms will continue to remain active across a large portion of the corn-growing region in the next week, but peak flight is beginning to shift north in the usual hot-spots. High risks remain in place across southwest Nebraska where trap counts and field reports continue to indicate fairly widespread pressure. As peak flight has likely occurred in this area and moth counts decrease, egg laying/hatching will be the primary concern for the next week. Moderate risks extend from far northeast Colorado into Nebraska and far western Iowa as well as northern Indiana and Ohio, much of central and lower Michigan, and southern Ontario and into southwest Quebec, Canada. Peak flight is likely occurring in lower Michigan and into southern Ontario, Canada now, so growers in this area should monitor traps and field activity closely in the next week or two until moth numbers decline. Growers should look for egg masses on corn leaves and be prepared to take necessary action especially if threshold values are met or exceeded and also when egg hatch is or has just occurred as any treatments will be most effective during this time.