Western Bean Cutworm
Western bean cutworm risks remain elevated across the usual hot spots for this particular insect in the next week, or across far northern Kansas into Nebraska, and also across northern Indiana, northwest Ohio, and southern lower Michigan, as well. Low risks continue across much of northern Kansas, Nebraska, southern South Dakota, western Iowa, southwest and southeast Minnesota, Wisconsin, northeast Illinois, central and northern Indiana, northern Ohio, lower Michigan, and into southern Ontario, Canada. Additional risks will be possible further north into lower Michigan this week and also into northeast Ohio, northwest Pennsylvania, western and upstate New York, and as far northeast as southwest Quebec, Canada. Growers should monitor traps closely and where moth populations are generally higher, monitor for signs of egg masses on the undersides of leaves. The annual flight should begin to subside across the Plains by the end of the month, especially with expected heat in that region in the next week, but moth captures should continue to build in scattered areas near the Great Lakes over the next few weeks.