Western Bean Cutworm
Western bean cutworm risks remain in the forecast especially across the Great Lakes region and into southeastern Canada for the next week. The greatest pressure from this insect is presently located from lower Michigan east northeast into southern Ontario and far southwest Quebec, Canada where peak flight is occurring and is especially progressing through central lower Michigan and southern Ontario, Canada at this time. Moderate risks remain in the forecast across portions of Nebraska and also into northern Indiana and northwest Ohio for the next couple days, but the risk is then lowered into the Low category thereafter as the flight is rapidly ceasing across much of this region. Moderate risks remain in the forecast for the next week across lower Michigan and into southern Ontario, Canada as the annual flight continues. Growers located especially in Michigan and southern Ontario, Canada should continue to scout fields, looking for evidence of moths and egg laying/clusters on the underside of leaves, and also monitor traps for signs of western bean cutworm flights through the next week.