Western Bean Cutworm
The annual western bean cutworm moth flight has begun to wind down especially across the Plains states where most trapping sites are only registering a few moths/night especially across Nebraska. For this reason, the Moderate risk area across Nebraska has been removed from the forecast. Further east, across the Great Lakes region, the Moderate risk remains in place from the central sands of Wisconsin east into especially central lower Michigan and on east into southern Ontario, Canada. The flight does appear to be focusing now across central and eastern lower Michigan and further north into southern Ontario, Canada. Moderate risks remain in these areas into next weekend, but risks have been lowered in the forecast late week into next weekend across southern lower Michigan and also in Wisconsin. Growers with crops at susceptible stages to damage should monitor for not only moths in traps but also look for egg masses on leaves. Corn and dry bean crops are at most risk. The overall risk should mainly begin focusing across Ontario in the next week or so and eventually most areas will be out of the risk from this insect in a couple weeks as the flight ends and crops advance past critical growth stages.